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our services
Massive open online courses aka MOOCs not only promised to bring the developed world educational system content and experience to anyone with a broadband connection
Free Access
Provided a way for anyone in developing countries to improve current skills, learn new one and even earn educational credentials for free or minimal cost
MOOC in he developing world
Risk and change are managed to ensure that the project is delivered on Time, within Budget and to the required specifications. Helping governments attain their education goals
Flexible scalability
Massive open online courses aka MOOCs not only promised to bring the developed world educational system content and experience to anyone with a broadband connection.
but also provided a way for anyone in developing countries to improve current skills, learn new one and even earn educational credentials for free or minimal cost
Hybrid education may be the breath of the future — and the death of teaching as we know it
We provide education technology solutions that support this next-generation learning environment. Our solutions drive successful student outcomes, reduce unemployment and exponentially augment the nation’s human capital
Infrastructure As Code
Global Asset Development Group

Our Security experts leverage decades of experience, deep industry knowledge and a focus on business value to help organizations develop security strategies that protect your business against threats, risks and capitalize on new technologies.

Classroom transformation

We are dedicated to unlocking the promise of anydevice, anytime, anywhere access to learning. While the digital divide between the affluent and disadvantaged still exists, mobile devices is closing it, at least in terms of access.
Our teams support governments and educational institutions in assessing, designing, building and supporting their IT infrastructure with a systematic approach to mobility that is devices agnostic

Smart Education

We provide educational technology solutions that support next-generation learning environment and drive successful student outcomes, reduce unemployment and exponentially augment nation’s human capital

Classroom Technology

Working with educational institutions and governments using Massive Open Online Class -MOOC


to expand education to unlimited participation and open access via the web allowing Computerized classrooms and digital record, collection of data  crucial to the success of government programs and international organization

Fueled by Technology

GLADEV supports the full enterprise IT life-cycle from designing, securing, operating maintaining and integrating the enterprise-wide IT network infrastructure

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